MO: Unchained

I’m Martin Obenaus from Glaubendorf in Weinviertel. I love working my vineyards and interacting with the creatures that live around them. “Unchained” is my credo in all aspects. Farmed biodynamically, my vineyards shall once again turn into an ecosystem in which interventions become less and less necessary. I protect, support, let nature take its course, I unchain it. Hunting shapes the environment in a similar way as winegrowing. It might seem unusual to strive for a development in which the hunter becomes dispensable and the nature is unchained. But so does my will to return to winegrowing the way our ancestors used to do it – the low intervention way. I have taken this path which will be a never-ending one. The ecosystem changes every year but so do we.

You can reach me in Glaubendorf, Lange Zeile 24, by phone +43 (0) 664 249 07 42 or by e-mail In case you wish to write me, you can also use the form beneath. Thank you!